by Ron Sokol | May 24, 2020 | Beautiful baseball, Inspiration
Baseball, our national past time, presently is on hiatus. We face a war caused by a virus. We all miss the ball park. Many teams salute military veterans at games, and rightfully so. Baseball, a part of our life, a part of our country, thanks those who stood in the...
by Ron Sokol | Oct 25, 2019 | Beautiful baseball, Fans, Fun, Inspiration
I. TIME TO GO HOME They were nice, polite. Didn’t bother me until they were about to turn off the lights. “Sir, would love to have you stay over, but it isn’t allowed…” I did not have much to go home to, and being at the ball park is more...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 24, 2019 | Beautiful baseball, Eternal Baseball, Inspiration
He’s not classically good looking. He isn’t exactly charismatic. He is kind of built like a gnome (no offense to him or gnomes). I mean, his nick name is Funky. He came up to the majors in 2015 with the Oakland Athletics, and in 45 games hit all of...
by Ron Sokol | Jun 8, 2019 | Eternal Baseball, Inspiration, Uncategorized
Over 200 years ago, a gentleman named Francis Scott Key wrote a poem “The Defence of Fort McHenry”. We know it today as the Star Spangled Banner. In time a bit of a joke has arisen: “What are the last two words of the National Anthem?”...
by Ron Sokol | Jan 23, 2019 | Baseball History, Inspiration, Uncategorized
The great composer Ravel (for reasons I have yet to determine) composed a concerto for just the left hand. It is extraordinary. And, just in case you don’t quite believe me, here is a You Tube video of the remarkable Yuja Wang. (No, she doesn’t play for...
by Ron Sokol | Dec 31, 2018 | Analysis, Beautiful baseball, Inspiration
Have you made any baseball resolutions for the new year? I have a few, which are influenced by a quotation that you probably have heard before, maybe even said, but somehow one that I managed not to have known about it until now. To play in the big leagues, you have...