by Ron Sokol | Jun 11, 2022 | Poems
Ever wonder which came first the bat or the mitt Seems like the bat after which then you would discover you could sure use a mitt Nothing fancy about any of this I know but just want to share with some other kids some other baseball fans just want to acknowledge that...
by Ron Sokol | Dec 12, 2020 | Poems
That there is a photo of Babe Ruth the Sultan of Swat Way larger than life Swagger legend loud brash a whole hurricane of things that guy I protest Struck down too soon Gehrig, look what he went through “You should cherish the memories!” I should cherish...
by Ron Sokol | Oct 30, 2020 | Poems
You think life will ever be the same? Nope not with Covid Presidential politics Climate change Yep but that isn’t why Oh? Something I missed? Something else? Baseball the world series the Dodgers won first time in 32 years Changes everything Every thing (silent...
by Ron Sokol | Oct 17, 2020 | Poems
A fan is entitled to be a little fickle But when the bases are loaded with no outs to then feel a nervous tickle To pray and to say “Please please win today!” To boo and to hiss when the umpires miss To exhort your great team through thick and through thin...
by Ron Sokol | Apr 12, 2020 | Poems
Sleep comes easily at times Who wants to be awake 24/7 with this Covid thing? Ah to dream and alas when I did there it was Oh my God! The ball park! I swear to you it was shimmering I am not kidding! The organ played the crowd rose the players ran onto the field It...
by Ron Sokol | Sep 22, 2019 | Poems
A ball an actual major league baseball with all those stitches the real deal from the field of play now in my mitt I am mesmerized Not sure what to do or say Is this like winning an Oscar? I held it up in the air People cheered “Good catch!” Kept looking...