by Ron Sokol | Apr 27, 2019 | Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Fans, Humor, Insight, Silly
“He was so inspired” “How inspired was he?” “He was so inspired he created the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars, oceans, plants, air, music, space, colors, animals, humans, insects, fish, rocks, mountains, prairies, ice, the...
by Ron Sokol | Apr 24, 2019 | Analysis, Baseball History, Columns, Fun, Humor, Insight, Uncategorized
“CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES… COME ON!” — Kool & the Gang When something goes well in the ball game, we might high five, fist pump, jump up, hug, yelp with delight, do a dance, I mean, there are a lot of options. But, wait a second… the bat...
by Ron Sokol | Apr 18, 2019 | Beautiful baseball, Columns, Eternal Baseball, Uncategorized
Do you have a place you go, or hang out, where you “take five”? I would guess most who go to a baseball game, sit in their seats, browse around a bit, get food, go to the restroom, stretch, but largely stay put, right? That works, but at times I find...
by Ron Sokol | Apr 12, 2019 | Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Columns
Serendipity is defined as an unplanned, fortunate discovery. You see, we were in Tennessee. Some of the folks in our group are history buffs, which meant a longish-stop-over at the home of our seventh President, Andrew Jackson (aka “ol’ Hickory”)....
by Ron Sokol | Apr 7, 2019 | Uncategorized
About a third of the way through our tour of the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory, our guide Natalie said something that has really stayed with me: “The size of the crowds here on any given day are a testament to the enduring popularity of the game of...