by Ron Sokol | Jul 31, 2018 | Babe Ruth, Baseball Cards, Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Beethoven, Bobbleheads, Columns, Dodgers, Eternal Baseball, Fans, MLB, Nicknames, Tommy Lasorda, World Series
(or Eustress, Birging and Corfing) “How’s the patient doing?” “Well, it’s wait and see… Bed rest, fluids, flowers, distraction, humor, and patience. More patience than you can imagine!” “Do we finally have a...
by Ron Sokol | Jul 28, 2018 | Baseball History, Pitchers, Videos
The video below is a slice of history, to be sure. When the moderator reveals who this is to the panel, and talks about his utterly remarkable accomplishments (back-to-back wins in a double header, I mean, and a whole lot more), well, one of a kind to be sure. Then...
by Ron Sokol | Jul 24, 2018 | Babe Ruth, Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Columns, Eternal Baseball, Fans, Immigrants, Lou Gehrig, MLB, Tommy Lasorda
“Is there baseball in heaven?” he asks. She replies, demurely, “I ain’t goin’ otherwise!” Fans are often referred to as “the faithful”. Many consider their ballpark of choice to be a Cathedral, Temple, or similar place...
by Ron Sokol | Jul 20, 2018 | Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Classical music, Eternal Baseball, Fans, Poems
Do you take this player for hit less or home run running error or safe slide til nine innings (and even extra innings) do you part? I do Excuse me? Oh sorry… Play ball! That’s better… And now, do you promise to support cheer, not razz, nor give up...
by Ron Sokol | Jul 17, 2018 | Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Columns, Dodgers, Eternal Baseball, Fans, Hot dogs, Nicknames, Peanuts, Tommy Lasorda
CHAPTER ONE: Trying to Eat “Do you see that sign?” “Yes…” “I don’t think so. I am not convinced you really see it. It’s right there – see it? Tell me buddy what does it say?” “Blue Heaven on Earth…” “See it again, you know I am a little hard of hearing.” “BLUE...