by Ron Sokol | Oct 31, 2020 | Analysis
Taking out Snell in the sixth game of the world series… based on analytics. The Dodgers are so grateful. After all Dodger management has done stuff like that for years now, confounding and frustrating fans so much it is hard to put into words (at least words you...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 25, 2019 | Analysis, Baseball History, Insight
Thank you to Skip Collinge who posted this on Say What!! Baseball Oddities and let me borrow it here. My reply to this: Amen! I was so looking forward to the Yankee Series this weekend. Dodgers- Yankees is all about history and tradition. Look at these pictures-...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 1, 2019 | Analysis, Baseball History
Is it like being told you are going to be stationed overseas? Perhaps in a place where there’s a risk of harm to your person? And, you don’t really know even when you’ll be back? Or, worse yet, if? Reminds you of a divorce? “Ok, pack your...
by Ron Sokol | May 29, 2019 | Analysis, Baseball History, Columns
Awhile back I wrote an article here about Lou Gehrig entitled The Irony of the Iron Horse. The man who played in more consecutive games than anyone has a disease named after him that gradually dismantles and removes people from earth (in physical form anyway). Bill...
by Ron Sokol | Apr 24, 2019 | Analysis, Baseball History, Columns, Fun, Humor, Insight, Uncategorized
“CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES… COME ON!” — Kool & the Gang When something goes well in the ball game, we might high five, fist pump, jump up, hug, yelp with delight, do a dance, I mean, there are a lot of options. But, wait a second… the bat...
by Ron Sokol | Jan 31, 2019 | Analysis, Pitchers, Uncategorized
Might Casey-itis? Is that what this is? In August 2018, the New York Times wrote: “This could be the first season in major league history to feature more strikeouts than hits, a slowdown that worries many league officials. Thirty years ago, batters compiled...