Extinction is a reality.  It signifies the end of a creature.  The last of that thing…. The sea mink, the passenger pigeon. Once so prevalent.  Now, no longer.  Kaput.  No longer found on the planet earth. Of course there is an Endangered Species Act in the...

A Baseball Poem

Just a damn game come on! A ball pitcher a hitter catcher come on get real it ain’t life it ain’t death it don’t add up too much Fans come and go cheer boo eat exhort despair it’s all silly It don’t add up too much History is made you...

WAR, What is it Good For?

Make love not war. But, what if they gave a war, and nobody came? Ok, this not the WAR of military combat, but the WAR that is referred to in baseball. I’ve studied this thing.  I really have concentrated.  I burned the midnight oil…read and re-read and...

There IS Crying in Baseball

Forlorn: Pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely.   “forlorn figures at bus stops”    Woebegon; doleful. The definition of forlorn includes figures at bus stops? Woebegone?  That sounds like the trade name for an anti-depressant. Well,  have you seen how...