by Ron Sokol | May 29, 2019 | Analysis, Baseball History, Columns
Awhile back I wrote an article here about Lou Gehrig entitled The Irony of the Iron Horse. The man who played in more consecutive games than anyone has a disease named after him that gradually dismantles and removes people from earth (in physical form anyway). Bill...
by Ron Sokol | May 26, 2019 | Humor, Uncategorized
Did you say he flipped you off? You didn’t say that! Well this link speaks for itself…
by Ron Sokol | May 25, 2019 | Baseball History
The incomparable Abbot and Costello routine starts with Who…. he’s on first. “Who are you? Who who, who who….” The Who, the rock group, asked that very question in one of their well known songs. Baseball in fact is a Who’s Who. ...
by Ron Sokol | May 22, 2019 | Photos
Would call this one: Never Gets Old. Cody Bellinger signing autographs for some future major leaguers. A while ago… early days of televising baseball. Even the image is black and white. Call this one: No lights, one camera, action! Confucius got nothin on...
by Ron Sokol | May 18, 2019 | Beautiful baseball
It’s just baseball. A game. Not life or death, by any means. Why then does it bring tears, at times? Just last year a possibly washed up major league player, who was sitting at home thinking his career may be done, was still being pushed by his dad to keep at...