by Ron Sokol | Aug 7, 2018 | Babe Ruth, Baseball History, Beanballs, Beautiful baseball, Columns, Eternal Baseball, Fans, Hot dogs, MLB, Nicknames, Pete Rose, Spitting, Superstitions, Tommy Lasorda, Uncategorized, Yankees
“That is soooo gross!” “What?” “He’s spitting! Yuck! Do you know unsanitary that is?” “I don’t think he’s worrying about that – it’s just a nervous thing – or he’s chewing gum or, you know…” “Ewuuu, did you see that loogie?!!” Yes, spitting and baseball seem...
by Ron Sokol | Jun 1, 2018 | Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Fans, MLB, Pete Rose, Photos
The things you hear at the ball park. Overheard a gentleman explaining to a young woman from overseas, who was there watching her first game. She was fascinated by the fans dancing and shouting in joy, but just a short time later forcefully booing and shaking their...
by Ron Sokol | May 1, 2018 | Baseball History, Columns, Fans, Pete Rose
by Ron Sokol | Mar 7, 2018 | Baseball History, Columns, Fans, MLB, Pete Rose
IT’S TIME I could swear I heard this somewhere: “To err is human to forgive, divine…” I could swear I’ve heard that! But, if we are going to get particularly solemn, here is a quote from 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, he is...