by Ron Sokol | Oct 25, 2019 | Beautiful baseball, Fans, Fun, Inspiration
I. TIME TO GO HOME They were nice, polite. Didn’t bother me until they were about to turn off the lights. “Sir, would love to have you stay over, but it isn’t allowed…” I did not have much to go home to, and being at the ball park is more...
by Ron Sokol | Apr 24, 2019 | Analysis, Baseball History, Columns, Fun, Humor, Insight, Uncategorized
“CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES… COME ON!” — Kool & the Gang When something goes well in the ball game, we might high five, fist pump, jump up, hug, yelp with delight, do a dance, I mean, there are a lot of options. But, wait a second… the bat...
by Ron Sokol | Mar 20, 2019 | Fun, Humor, Uncategorized
With the season on the horizon, some of us have donned boxing gloves (ok, not really, baseball mitts), but we’re ready. We are REDDDDDDD DEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Just in case anyone asks what’s such a big deal about baseball, that slow, yawner, boring game...
by Ron Sokol | Jan 15, 2019 | Fun, Humor
Baseball is important for many reasons. One, it has given us some wonderful expressions we can use at any given moment to describe, to discuss, to opine. Two, as the game continues on its course, there will probably be more useful phrases and slogans ahead. Here...
by Ron Sokol | Oct 20, 2018 | Analysis, Columns, Fun, Insight, MLB, Silly
Make love not war. But, what if they gave a war, and nobody came? Ok, this not the WAR of military combat, but the WAR that is referred to in baseball. I’ve studied this thing. I really have concentrated. I burned the midnight oil…read and re-read and...
by Ron Sokol | Oct 9, 2018 | Beautiful baseball, Columns, Fun, Humor
Whoever said cleanliness is next to godliness did not play baseball. Or wasn’t a kid. Or a grown up who still thinks like a kid. In fact, just to be clear about it: The saying “cleanliness is next to godliness” is not (I repeat not) in the...