by Ron Sokol | Dec 15, 2018 | Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Inspiration, Uncategorized
Every now and then, but more often of late than I remember before, folks doubt the importance of baseball, or the role it plays in our lives, or any number of skepticisms arise. Perhaps in part because it is the holidays, or simply because this video is some damn...
by Ron Sokol | Dec 4, 2018 | Baseball History, Columns, Dodgers, Insight, Inspiration, Uncategorized
Darkness at the break of noon Shadows even the silver spoon The handmade blade, the child’s balloon Eclipses both the sun and moon To understand you know too soon There is no sense in trying – Bob Dylan On that cheerful note, there is also a...
by Ron Sokol | Nov 21, 2018 | Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Inspiration, Uncategorized
This from Wikipedia: Prayers of thanks and special thanksgiving ceremonies are common among almost all religions after harvests and at other times. The Thanksgiving holiday’s history in North America is rooted in English traditions dating from the Protestant...
by Ron Sokol | Nov 14, 2018 | Dodgers, Hall of Fame, Inspiration, Tommy Lasorda, Uncategorized
The Bulldog is quite a popular breed. Associated early with English culture, the BBC has written that “to many the Bulldog is a national icon, symbolising pluck and determination.” During World II, Prime Minister Winston Churchill was likened to a...
by Ron Sokol | Oct 16, 2018 | Columns, Fans, Insight, Inspiration
Forlorn: Pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely. “forlorn figures at bus stops” Woebegon; doleful. The definition of forlorn includes figures at bus stops? Woebegone? That sounds like the trade name for an anti-depressant. Well, have you seen how...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 25, 2018 | Babe Ruth, Baseball History, Columns, Dreams, Fun, Inspiration, Nicknames, Silly, Story
Few know the legend of Octavius Octavius, but this statue remains, and to some degree speaks for itself. Octavius (or “Octo” as he came to be known) hailed from the countryside, at a time when dragons and fireballs existed, as opposed to, you know, regular...