by Ron Sokol | Nov 9, 2019 | Babe Ruth
There is a wonderful group on line, Vintage Baseball Photos, aptly enough. This photo below was posted with a note that Babe Ruth’s fans, and the fans he enjoyed, were very diverse and no hint of discrimination at all. Another reason to like Babe, a lot. But,...
by Ron Sokol | Mar 13, 2019 | Babe Ruth, Uncategorized
Julia Ruth Stevens died recently at the great age of 102 (which is less than one seventh of the home runs hit by her adoptive father George Herman Ruth). Babe married his second wife, actress and model Claire Merritt Hodgson in 1929, and adopted Julia thereafter. She...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 25, 2018 | Babe Ruth, Baseball History, Columns, Dreams, Fun, Inspiration, Nicknames, Silly, Story
Few know the legend of Octavius Octavius, but this statue remains, and to some degree speaks for itself. Octavius (or “Octo” as he came to be known) hailed from the countryside, at a time when dragons and fireballs existed, as opposed to, you know, regular...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 7, 2018 | Babe Ruth, Baseball History, Beanballs, Beautiful baseball, Columns, Eternal Baseball, Fans, Hot dogs, MLB, Nicknames, Pete Rose, Spitting, Superstitions, Tommy Lasorda, Uncategorized, Yankees
“That is soooo gross!” “What?” “He’s spitting! Yuck! Do you know unsanitary that is?” “I don’t think he’s worrying about that – it’s just a nervous thing – or he’s chewing gum or, you know…” “Ewuuu, did you see that loogie?!!” Yes, spitting and baseball seem...
by Ron Sokol | Jul 31, 2018 | Babe Ruth, Baseball Cards, Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Beethoven, Bobbleheads, Columns, Dodgers, Eternal Baseball, Fans, MLB, Nicknames, Tommy Lasorda, World Series
(or Eustress, Birging and Corfing) “How’s the patient doing?” “Well, it’s wait and see… Bed rest, fluids, flowers, distraction, humor, and patience. More patience than you can imagine!” “Do we finally have a...
by Ron Sokol | Jul 24, 2018 | Babe Ruth, Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Columns, Eternal Baseball, Fans, Immigrants, Lou Gehrig, MLB, Tommy Lasorda
“Is there baseball in heaven?” he asks. She replies, demurely, “I ain’t goin’ otherwise!” Fans are often referred to as “the faithful”. Many consider their ballpark of choice to be a Cathedral, Temple, or similar place...