by Ron Sokol | Jun 12, 2019 | Baseball History, Uncategorized
So there’s a famous book “You Can’t Go Home Again”, written by Thomas Wolfe but published after his death. Maybe that explains the title. The Beatles sang a very touching song “Two of Us”, which originally was called “On Our...
by Ron Sokol | Jun 8, 2019 | Eternal Baseball, Inspiration, Uncategorized
Over 200 years ago, a gentleman named Francis Scott Key wrote a poem “The Defence of Fort McHenry”. We know it today as the Star Spangled Banner. In time a bit of a joke has arisen: “What are the last two words of the National Anthem?”...
by Ron Sokol | Jun 4, 2019 | Comic strip
“Who in their right mind gets the newspaper delivered anymore?” “I do….” “Oh, then you probably still like baseball too.” “Well, yeah!” “Man, incredible, you are a true relic. Have they offered you a spot...
by Ron Sokol | Jun 1, 2019 | Poems
Somebody said there’s a baseball spirit who sets the table who spruces the whole place up and puts the bats there the balls the mitts the uniforms chalks the lines just right gets the umps focused and keen who opens the gates and says: “Come on in...