“No offense, but that’s more syrup than I put on my waffle this morning…”

That remark is one of my favorite comments about a column that posted on this web site.  I am sappy.  I don’t want to be sappy, but it rhymes with happy, so I guess that’s ok.  And I admit, I do have some sap for you here.  As a result a fierce alarm is sounding — kind of like an air raid siren.  Sap alert! Sap alert!  Just hit the little arrow below (and have the sound on):

It’s really not my fault, and I am certain — absolutely certain — you are going to say:  I COULD NOT AGREE WITH YOU MORE!!!!!

Sunday is my favorite day to go to a baseball game.  Sunday afternoon I should say.  You still have your morning, you still have your evening, and sandwiched in between is the ball park; that folding of your worries into a nice little seat; you focus on what is before you; chatting, exhorting, cheering, may be a boooooo or two, eating, perhaps a beer, high-fiving, finger crossing, a big crowd, might even be short sleeve, lots of kids, parents, all walks of people, a bit of a breeze, and the sport of baseball.  I love it.  Love it!

And on this particular Sunday a ball was hit from there — oh, there being that field — the field in front of us that they play on, where this life and death struggle takes place, this critical game, critical because you are there and you want your record of wins and losses when you attend to be decidedly on the win side…  It means you had to be there for them to win.

The ball shot into the stands, quite a few fans reached for it, sought it, wanted it, grabbed at the air, their hands and faces bulging.  A man got it, maybe 40 or so, nice looking, with a Dodger shirt on and immediately he gave it to his son.

I took photos of the boy — here are 2 more of them below — and there it is ladies and gents, boys and girls…. THE SAP.

You know why?  I see in this kid one of the reasons — I would say somewhere in the top ten of all the reasons — we are entitled to swoon over baseball. Come on!  The look in his face, eyes, smile, his excitement, glee, his wonderment…  “Bewitched baffled and bewildered….”  You know that song?  I think it was written about baseball.

To conclude:  I do not have the words sufficient to describe what these photos signify, what they mean, or quite how to present it to you or anyone who may come across this web site.  I just want to post them and hope they go viral.

My view is that these 3 photos should be the lead story on the national if not international news.  That look! The Pope ought to address this to the masses.  The President should have a fireside chat with everyone on television and around the globe.  “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you what God intended… thank you, and have a pleasant evening!”

Moreover, there should be tee shirts, flags, mugs, posters, billboards.  This is what God intended!