by Ron Sokol | Apr 10, 2018 | Babe Ruth, Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Columns, Eternal Baseball, Fans, Hot dogs, Immigrants, Jose Altuve, Lou Gehrig, MLB, Nicknames, Photos
Can I pull you aside, for just a tiny bit? Would you sit on the bench and let me, please, if you would, share something with you? It may well be that you agree. Here goes: I think baseball is beautiful. When you go to the park, it is a kind of worship. There is...
by Ron Sokol | Apr 3, 2018 | Baseball History, Columns, Fans, MLB, Umpires
A few years ago, ok quite a long time ago, our son’s baseball team was in the play-offs. It was a big deal locally. We were one run down with two outs, the last inning, and our son up on deck just feeling his oats. The hitter before him topped a soft ground...
by Ron Sokol | Apr 2, 2018 | Beautiful baseball, Dodgers, Easter Images, Fans, MLB, Photos
Gotta love the ground crew (no foolin, although it was April’s fools day). The sky rounded the bases gradually into night. Quite a big crowd, wow – all ready to cheer and hoot and hollar! But when it came down to it, the most important person was this...