by Ron Sokol | Jan 30, 2018 | Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Columns, Fans, MLB
A bat boy is not living in a cave, is not related to Bruce Wayne, and could be a girl. Batboys (as they were called way back when) have been part of baseball since the 1880s. And, by the way, serving in this unique capacity does not mean only the on-field chores you...
by Ron Sokol | Jan 15, 2018 | Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Fans, Hot dogs, MLB, Peanuts, Photos
It should not matter who is credited with the invention of the hot dog. It only matters how good it tastes, and whether having more than one at that moment is something you will later regret. In baseball, however, details are extremely important. Numbers. Distances....
by Ron Sokol | Oct 24, 2017 | Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Columns, Dodgers, Eternal Baseball, Fans, MLB, World Series
On April 28, 1989, let it be known that I actually walked above the ground. There are several witnesses, one being my mom but you will have to reach her upstairs, quote unquote, since she has since gone to the dugout in the sky. Hopefully, there is videotape at the...