by Ron Sokol | Aug 31, 2018 | Baseball History, Baseballs, Columns, Eternal Baseball, Pitchers
The philosopher Thomas Hobbes said life outside society would be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short”. He was not, I repeat, not speaking about the life of a major league baseball, although an argument could be made he was thinking outside the box,...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 25, 2018 | Babe Ruth, Baseball History, Columns, Dreams, Fun, Inspiration, Nicknames, Silly, Story
Few know the legend of Octavius Octavius, but this statue remains, and to some degree speaks for itself. Octavius (or “Octo” as he came to be known) hailed from the countryside, at a time when dragons and fireballs existed, as opposed to, you know, regular...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 20, 2018 | Christy Wallace, Columns, Poems
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again. A baseball hitter might relate to this little poem. A baseball hitter, that is, in a slump. Speaking of...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 13, 2018 | Baseball History, Columns, Eternal Baseball, Immigrants, MLB
Mom and dad both kept stuff in a wooden chest, tucked away for us. “Kids, open this when the time comes. Sort through it. Relive what you can. Enjoy what you can. Discard what you will…”., mom repeated on a number of occasions, with that cadence...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 7, 2018 | Babe Ruth, Baseball History, Beanballs, Beautiful baseball, Columns, Eternal Baseball, Fans, Hot dogs, MLB, Nicknames, Pete Rose, Spitting, Superstitions, Tommy Lasorda, Uncategorized, Yankees
“That is soooo gross!” “What?” “He’s spitting! Yuck! Do you know unsanitary that is?” “I don’t think he’s worrying about that – it’s just a nervous thing – or he’s chewing gum or, you know…” “Ewuuu, did you see that loogie?!!” Yes, spitting and baseball seem...
by Ron Sokol | Jul 31, 2018 | Babe Ruth, Baseball Cards, Baseball History, Beautiful baseball, Beethoven, Bobbleheads, Columns, Dodgers, Eternal Baseball, Fans, MLB, Nicknames, Tommy Lasorda, World Series
(or Eustress, Birging and Corfing) “How’s the patient doing?” “Well, it’s wait and see… Bed rest, fluids, flowers, distraction, humor, and patience. More patience than you can imagine!” “Do we finally have a...