A lot of time to reflect as the season has been put on hold, and even now we are not sure what 2020 will look like.

Baseball has so many attributes that make it fun, interesting, a great way to while-away some time.  In its own way kind of like fishing.  If you don’t catch anything, that certainly is not the end of the world.  You’re outside, chances are at some point you start whistling, or maybe just day dreaming.  After all, it is just nice to be outside.

Well, speaking of which… Charles Finley, remember him, colorful owner of the Oakland A’s?  Did you know he replaced the Athletics’ traditional elephant mascot with a live mule?  Yep, Charlie-0 they called him. That mule was paraded about the outfield, into cocktail parties and hotel lobbies as well as the press room after a large feed… that to annoy reporters!  I am not making this up.

Maybe I should go fishing to pass some time.

Damm I miss baseball!  You too?