So I think of George Herman Ruth as a larger than life figure, who remains with us, never really left, and who could lift our sprits in this difficult time. I think of the MLB utilizing footage of Babe, dubbing it in a wonderful way, with his telling us “Hey look folks, baseball is way too big for this thing; we’re just taking a little snooze, you all know that! This ain’t gonna defeat us, are you kidding me? Come on! My buddy over here, Iron Horse, Gehrig, this guy has to play or he gets hives, isn’t that right baby?”
All right, I am paraphrasing. I just would like to see it, would like to hear it. Babe Ruth as national cheer leader.
Then I am reminded Lou passed from ALS, and Babe died way too young.
Faced with reality I still say Babe could rally us, and would. I still think Jackie Robinson would rally us, and could. They were just ball players? I don’t think so. Tommy Lasorda would probably throw in a few expletives to get us revved up, ready to get back to it, ready to resume it all.
Reminds me that baseball is a fertile soil. It grows not just trees but branches that reach out, on which birds perch, and trunks where squirrels live, foliage that provides shade, all that look so beautiful in any given instance. Some ask if baseball is just a game.
Hell no. And this virus is just a temporary time out. My mitt and your mitt say the same thing! I want to get out there now!
We are going to play ball again, and when we do I am going to be as happy as you, as happy as so many others, men, women, the media, the umps, the boys, the girls, the country, and the frigging world. In the life of baseball this is just the first inning. We have so much more time to get back on the field. And we will — with a vengeance! Cuz that’s what Babe would insist upon, and that’s gospel.