After Don Larsen struck out Dale Mitchell to pitch a perfect game in the 1956 World Series, Yankee catcher Yogi Berra jumped into Larsen’s arms with great joy. We all know Yogi sure came up with some remarkable quotes… but it was a reporter, not Yogi, who later asked Larsen, “Is that the best game you ever pitched?”
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, not known as a ball player but a pretty important President, clearly was wise. He said: “I honestly feel that it would be best for the country to keep baseball going… if 300 teams use 5,000 or 6,000 players, these players are a definite asset to at least 20,000,000 of their fellow citizens — and that in my judgment is thoroughly worthwhile.”
Hammerin’ Hank had a clear sense of things: “The pitcher has got only a ball. I’ve got a bat. So the percentage in weapons is in my favor and I let the fellow with the ball do the fretting.”
Gotta love this one: “Any ballplayer that don’t sign autographs for little kids ain’t an American.” — Rogers Hornsby
And, my personal favorite: “The crack of the bat, the sound of baseballs thumping into gloves, the infield chatter are like birdsong to the baseball starved.” W. P. Kinsella
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