A bat boy is not living in a cave, is not related to Bruce Wayne, and could be a girl.
Batboys (as they were called way back when) have been part of baseball since the 1880s. And, by the way, serving in this unique capacity does not mean only the on-field chores you see from the stands. There are promotional situations as well. In fact, you have to try out, and with the Dodgers anyway you must have a high school diploma or a general education degree. It also is necessary that you have the “ability to stoop, kneel, crouch or sit”, and “be able to lift and/or move up to 45 pounds.”
Darn…. I was thinking I could put on a lot make up, a lot, yes, and a different set of clothes, a wig, and (you know) maybe fake ’em out…
Bat boys and bat girls are a reminder that we still take a lot for granted. We get to a ball park and simply presume we can buy some peanuts and a hot dog. We watch the game and also presume there’s a bat boy or bat girl sitting along the side lines. There to shag the fouls. Possibly throw one into the stands. Maybe to us… They are that integral.
Who wouldn’t want to be a young person walking into the Dodger dug out, getting a wink from Cody Bellinger, or let’s go all the way over to the other side of the country. Imagine Bryce Harper comes by and gives you a fist pump. Or we go up the road a bit, see if Justice and Stanton need a little bit of gushing (as if they won’t be getting enough ooohs and ahhhs this season). I suppose if you are a bat boy or a bat girl you are told very clearly not to gush, or at least not to be obvious about it.
Darn, another strike against me.
Here’s my question: Is the day dream to become a bat boy or a boy girl, or is the day dream that once you are a bat boy or bat girl, you are on the field, playing in the major leagues? I mean if I were a bat boy, sitting down the left field line, man it would be tough not to day dream. Right field would be the same, yes… I sit in the stands and it happens to me. I could be in the bleachers.
Well, since this is about baseball, there are some historical figures along the way.
Do you know the name Stan Bronson, Jr.? You’ve heard of “Stan the Man”, right? You probably think it’s Stan Musiel of the St. Louis Cardinals. It can also be Stan Bronson, Jr. The Guinness World Records recognized him in 2008 as the “Most Durable Batboy” ever. He looks real happy in this photo. He served 55 yeas as the bay boy for the University of Memphis baseball teams.
There are a few bat boys over the years who became major league baseball players, but their names do not quite ring a bell. For example, Drew Storen of the Reds, and Jesse Litsch of the Blue Jays. When you think of it, however, there are countless, remarkable stories still to be played. We have major leaguers from so many different parts of the world today. We have a young man from Japan who may wind up pitching and hitting, like that Babe Ruth guy you probably have hard about. So, why not one who works as a bat boy or bat girl in his or her earlier years? Yes, I said his or her. I know, I know, women are not playing major league baseball at this time. I’m just sayin…
You think one day we might also include girls on the teams? That thought just really sticks in my mitt. I have to believe there is going to be a break through. At some point we are going to have a women on a major league baseball team.
Look: If there’s no crying in baseball…. there’s at least a lot of dreaming!